"A tale of smotherly love. A talk-show shrink makes a house call to meet a listener and her unusual child."
-- DVD description for the episode
Pompous radio psychologist Dr. Alan Goetz is told that he is in danger of losing his show due to poor ratings. In a bid to remedy the problem, he decides to visit the home of regular caller, Nora, A woman who has continual trouble with her badly behaved daughter Felicity. A move which he believes will be a great publicity stunt, he is accompanied by his long suffering producer Bonni and his bitchy boss Rona. Goetz arrives at Nora's dilapidated, old house waiting to meet the badly behaved Felicity, without knowing what horror lies in store for his associates and himself.
Opening Segment[]

"You see what I mean, doc? It's just like that nightmare I told you about. The one I keep having when I'm petting Bambi! You've got to help me doc. I'm losing my mind! I can't seem to take a joke anymore. I mean, a choke! I mean...it's like the man in tonight's tale. He's a head shrinker who's about to undergo a little final analysis of his own. In a paranoid parable I call The New Arrival."
Closing Segment[]

"You'll be happy to know that Dr. Goetz did get another radio show, though he was much more careful this time about screaming his calls. I'm feeling so much better. You were right, doc. A little smotherly love was all I needed. So 'til next time kiddies, I'm sending my shrink to join the others. You know what they say, the morgue, the merrier!"
- When Nora is telling Dr. Goetz about the previous psychologists who have tried to help her and her daughter, the second name she mentions is "Dr. Kassir". John Kassir is the distinctive voice - and maniacal laugh - of the Crypt Keeper in this series.
- Dr. Goetz recommends that Nora read his book, "The Art of Ignoring Your Child". She informs him that she already has it, and shows him her collection of psychology books. A closeup of the shelf reveals the Goetz volume, plus several other books that apparently were made up by the prop department, except for two real books: the scholarly journal "Psychological Monographs" for 1954 (multiple issues from that year bound together as you would find in a library, complete with a real library call-number on the spine); and a copy of the novel "Ruth Fielding Down in Dixie" by Alice B. Emerson (New York: Cupples & Leon, 1916), a strange choice indeed for a shelf otherwise holding mostly self-help books on child psychology.