Tales From the Crypt Wiki

Alex was Roger Lassen's former best friend in Half-Way Horrible. He was played by John Tenney.

Early Life[]

Before Roger had his chemical company, he, along with Alex, Dan King, and Kevin, were in South America, six years prior to the episode, where the men learn of the secret of an ever-lasting liquid that can preserve for up to a century, all demonstrated in a sacrifice involving Mkumba Voodoo. During their visit, Roger lied to Kevin and Dan that they need to pack everything and leave immediately or risk being arrested for Visa charges, which they new was going to happen. When Dan and Kevin ask about Alex, Roger said he took the first plane back to the city, when in reality, the tribe demanded a trade in return for their secrets; a sacrifice involving Alex, which Roger agreed to, much to Alex's horror.

Revenge and Final Fate[]

6 years later, Dan King was found dead and brought to the morgue, where Roger identified him. There was even a note saying "I have not forgotten nor forgiven." The detective believed it to be suicide, but the handwriting didn't match. As if finding Dan King dead in the morgue, Roger's house was destroyed, the FDA is holding the approval of Roger's new chemical, Exthion-B, but when Roger's assistant, Collin, mentions that Kevin could somewhat be involved, Roger finds Kevin dead, the same way as Dan, so Roger, in blind rage, kills Collin. In the shadows of the hallway is Alex, clapping with lack of amusement, taunting Roger that he killed the one person who actually liked Roger. Alex was thought to be dead, but in Mkumba Voodoo, those who are sacrificed don't die, but are risen over and over again. Alex spent 6 years in the curse, with no soul and in a new state as a zombie. Alex revealed to Roger that Roger is the killer of Dan and Kevin because Alex casted a hex of Roger's evil side, unleashing it and turning Roger into a murdering madman. Alex did it as revenge for Roger sacrificing him 6 years ago. Alex told him that Roger can't stop the curse, that it's too late, as Roger used a battle blade to stab and kill Alex once and for all.
